Covering most major bus operators in East Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire and East Kent
Join the SEC
Membership of the Club is open to anyone over the age of 14 years, although this age limit can be relaxed at the Committee’s discretion. The current year’s subscription for the period 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025 is £33.00 – approximately £2.75 per month for each Journal and other club facilities.
If you would like to join us please click the link below for an application form, use the contact form, or write to:
A monthly Journal of about forty A5 pages (sometimes less, often more) is sent to members giving detailed and up-to-date vehicle and service developments of the companies who operate within the traditional Southdown area. There is usually a section of items of publicity produced by the local companies, details of the histories of former vehicles of the main companies and news of Club activities and new publications.
Your first Journal should be received within 28 days after we receive your application form.
The Southdown Enthusiasts’ Club is administered by a Committee, which is elected at the Annual General Meeting and is responsible for the various club functions. All Committee members act in an Honorary Capacity and their names and addresses are listed, together with their responsibilities, in the monthly Journal.
Our membership records are maintained on a home computer. The contents are not, under any circumstances, divulged to any other member or outside party and are kept purely for the purposes of administration of the Club. These records include the member’s name, address, e-mail address (if provided) and Membership Number. If you do not wish you particulars to be so recorded, please indicate this on your Application Form.
The Old Southdown
A continuing feature of the Journal appears under the heading “The Old Southdown”, which followed a “Special Feature” piece about the Chelwood Gate outstation (in the June 2019 issue). That has been followed by a number of articles on a variety of subjects, sixteen in total, some long and others short. We have another longer article in the pipeline which will probably be split in top two or three parts, but we are always pleased to receive appropriate pieces, stories or anecdotes about the work of the Southdown company. These can range in size from one to six pages: it is not necessary for illustrations to be provided as the SEC photo archive will invariably be able to produce suitable photographs.